February 10, 2022
Albany, NY

IG Lang Reminds New Yorkers How To Submit Mobile Sports Wagering Complaints Ahead Of Super Bowl LVI

IG Lang Reminds New Yorkers How To Submit Mobile Sports Wagering Complaints Ahead Of Super Bowl LVI

Ahead of this weekend’s Super Bowl LVI, New York State Inspector General Lucy Lang reminds New Yorkers of the established recourse for complaints regarding mobile sports wagering, which was recently legalized in New York State.

The Super Bowl is considered one of the largest wagering events of the year. Mobile sports wagering became legal in New York State at the beginning of 2022, and the popularity of the gaming has skyrocketed, with the state already becoming the national leader in mobile sports wagering revenue.

“Mobile sports wagering has taken off in New York State and residents partaking in the gaming should know where to go if they have complaints about the various platforms, starting with the carrier,” said Inspector General Lang. “The New York State Gaming Commission and our office stand ready to help ensure the integrity of all lawful gaming in New York State, and make sure that wagers are handled in a safe, legal and fair manner.”

Per New York State Gaming Commission regulations, mobile sports wagering patrons who wish to file complaints should follow these steps:

  1. Contact the mobile sports wagering carriers’ customer service departments: 
  2. If the matter remains unresolved, contact the New York State Gaming Commission: [email protected]
  3. As a final step, contact the New York State Inspector General:

The Gaming Inspector General, originally created within the Gaming Commission by statute in 2013, was transferred to the Offices of the State Inspector General in June 2021 as part of the enacted 2021-2022 New York State Budget.