Thank you for submitting a complaint to the Offices of the New York State Inspector General. All complaints received will be reviewed. Complaints alleging improper conduct that are not within the jurisdiction of the Offices of the Inspector General are routinely forwarded to other appropriate agencies or law enforcement partners.
Please refer to the below list of helpful agencies that may be able to assist with your complaint.
Make sure to contact the correct Federal or State associates by clicking on the link below. If you have been the victim of an online or internet-enabled crime, please file a report with the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) as soon as possible. These reports are used for investigative and intelligence purposes. You can also report fraud and scams to the Federal Trade Commission.
*Incarcerated Individual Harm - Please contact Offices of the Inspector General (OIG) and OIG will direct accordingly.
**If you have little or no money and need help right away, you may qualify for "expedited" SNAP. If you do , you must receive your initial SNAP benefit within five days. You will still have to complete the eligibility process and supply all the required documentation at a later date. Apply here: https://www.ny.gov/services/apply-snap
- United States Postal Service Mail – United States Postal Service Office of the Inspector General
- *County Jail – New York State Commission of Correction
- New York State Courts – New York State Courts Office of the Inspector General
- Social Security Fraud – United States Social Security Administration
- County / Town Employer – New York State Office of the Attorney General
- Legal Counsel and Attorney Representation - New York State Courts Attorney Grievance Committee
- Medicaid Fraud – New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General
- Consumer Protection – United States Federal Trade Commission
- Schools – New York State Education Department
- COVID-19 Mask – County Department of Health
Jurisdictional but not a fraud complaint
(OIG has jurisdiction but these agencies also have their own internal investigative departments)
- **SNAP and Welfare Benefits – Local Department of Social Services
- SNAP, HEAP, TA, ERAP and Welfare Fraud - New York State Office of the Welfare Inspector General and New York State Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA)
- Unemployment Insurance Fraud – New York State Department of Labor
- Unemployment Insurance Fraud (NYS Employee) – New York State Office of the Workers Compensation Fraud Inspector General
- NYS Workers Compensation Board – New York State Workers Compensation Board
- DEC Environmental Complaints – New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Child Welfare - New York State Office of Children and Family Services
- DMV Customer Service Complaints – New York State Department of Motor Vehicles