Section 51. Jurisdiction. 52. Establishment and organization.                                     53. Functions and duties.                                               54. Powers.                                                             55. Responsibilities of covered agencies, state officers and employees.

§ 51. Jurisdiction

This article shall, subject to the limitations contained herein, confer upon the office of the state inspector general, jurisdiction over all covered agencies. For the purposes of this article "covered agency" shall include all executive branch agencies, departments, divisions, officers, boards and commissions, public authorities (other than multi-state or multinational authorities), and public benefit corporations, the heads of which are appointed by the governor and which do not have their own inspector general by statute. Wherever a covered agency is a board, commission, a public authority or public benefit corporation, the head of the agency is the chairperson thereof.

§ 52. Establishment and organization

1. There is hereby established the office of the state inspector general in the executive department. The head of the office shall be the state inspector general who shall be appointed by the governor. 2. The state inspector general shall hold office until the end of the term of the governor by whom he or she was appointed and until his or her successor is appointed and has qualified. 3. The state inspector general shall report to the secretary to the governor. 4. The state inspector general may appoint one or more deputy inspectors general to serve at his or her pleasure, who shall be responsible for conducting investigations in the agencies to which they are designated and in which they are deemed employed. 5. The salary of the inspector general shall be established by the governor within the limit of funds available therefore; provided, however, such salary shall be no less than the salaries of certain state officers holding the positions indicated in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of section one hundred sixty-nine of the executive law.

§ 53. Functions and duties

The state inspector general shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. receive and investigate complaints from any source, or upon his or her own initiative, concerning allegations of corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse in any covered agency; 2. inform the heads of covered agencies of such allegations and the progress of investigations related thereto, unless special circumstances require confidentiality; 3. determine with respect to such allegations whether disciplinary action, civil or criminal prosecution, or further investigation by an appropriate federal, state or local agency is warranted, and to assist in such investigations; 4. prepare and release to the public written reports of such investigations, as appropriate and to the extent permitted by law, subject to redaction to protect the confidentiality of witnesses. The release of all or portions of such reports may be deferred to protect the confidentiality of ongoing investigations; 5. review and examine periodically the policies and procedures of covered agencies with regard to the prevention and detection of corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse; 6. recommend remedial action to prevent or eliminate corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse in covered agencies; 7. establish programs for training state officers and employees regarding the prevention and elimination of corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse in covered agencies.

§ 54. Powers

The state inspector general shall have the power to: 1. subpoena and enforce the attendance of witnesses; 2. administer oaths or affirmations and examine witnesses under oath; 3. require the production of any books and papers deemed relevant or material to any investigation, examination or review; 4. notwithstanding any law to the contrary, examine and copy or remove documents or records of any kind prepared, maintained or held by any covered agency; 5. require any officer or employee in a covered agency to answer questions concerning any matter related to the performance of his or her official duties. No statement or other evidence derived there from may be used against such officer or employee in any subsequent criminal prosecution other than for perjury or contempt arising from such testimony. The refusal of any officer or employee to answer questions shall be cause for removal from office or employment or other appropriate penalty; 6. monitor the implementation by covered agencies of any recommendations made by state inspector general; 7. perform any other functions that are necessary or appropriate to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of office.

§ 55. Responsibilities of covered agencies, state officers and employees

1. Every state officer or employee in a covered agency shall report promptly to the state inspector general any information concerning corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse by another state officer or employee relating to his or her office or employment, or by a person having business dealings with a covered agency relating to those dealings. The knowing failure of any officer or employee to so report shall be cause for removal from office or employment or other appropriate penalty. Any officer or employee who acts pursuant to this subdivision by reporting to the state inspector general improper governmental action as defined in section seventy-five-b of the civil service law shall not be subject to dismissal, discipline or other adverse personnel action. 2. The head of any covered agency shall advise the governor within ninety days of the issuance of a report by the state inspector general as to the remedial action that the agency has taken in response to any recommendation for such action contained in such report